Note from Matthew:

This board is not moderated per se. I am Helen’s grandson and I check in from time to time. The normal Blogger systems are in place that sometimes put you in spam or moderated status due to several factors including the number of links in your message. Sometimes you end up there by mistake. My grandmother also asked me to put a mod block on comments that contain certain words. Ex. the n word and the f word to name two. If you get caught in that process, your comment will sit there until I have time to look in.

I have a full-time job and I live temporarily in London so I do this at odd hours. The only commenter's that get a permanent ban are the ones that try to “clog” the system with nasty comments that have nothing to do with the subject matter. I haven’t done that often as Helen has told me to let people say what the want to say.

My grandmother has very thick skin and we haven’t seen her act this young in years. We thank all of you for that.

My only other involvement is to format the posts for Helen and Margaret which sometimes slows down the process as well.